Video is a powerful tool for engaging website visitors. It can be used to communicate…

How World-Class is Your Customer Service Really?
When you aim to provide world-class customer service, what is your focus? Processes? Communication? Budget? Of course, all of those are critical elements to building a customer service experience that meets expectations. But if you want to exceed customer expectations, you want to do more than provide what everyone else provides in the same way they offer it. You want to set yourself apart as an innovator not only in the products you offer but in the way you deliver those products.

If someone asks you to list companies who provide not only outstanding products, but world-class customer service, that list will almost always include names like Zappo’s, Disney, and Apple. Have you considered how those organizations rise to the top of our collective understanding of what it means to provide such a stellar experience?
Bruce Jones, Senior Cast Development Director at the Disney Institute, believes “organizations must move past the obvious criteria, and instead, focus on a more holistic view of their customers.” What keeps people going back to their resorts, theme parks, films, and cruises is their fierce commitment to being a student of their clients.
When you move beyond merely offering what your customers want and take the time to know who your customers are, you begin to understand how to put a smile on their faces and let them know that while you mean business, business can also be fun.
So, what should you expect from your creative agency beyond the standard deliverables?
Does your creative agency have a consistent purpose? Whether it’s your first phone call to request a quote or your fifth Zoom meeting with the creative team for your project, does everyone leave you feeling the same way? Top tier creative agencies will dial in on how they want their customers to feel after interacting with you. When you have a shared touchpoint from which every inquiry and engagement derives, each member of your team will have clarity not only on why you exist but also how you will execute your values.
You want your customer service experience to be about, you know, the customer. But if all you do is give them what they expect to get, you miss an opportunity to set yourself apart.
AMC’s Mad Men remains one of the most compelling shows set in the work of advertising and marketing. Don Draper was the master of listening to what a client said they wanted, then proceeding to tell them what they need. Every creative doing work for a client should understand this dance.
Clients come in all shapes and sizes. They bring to the conversation their agendas, preconceptions, and passion for their product. As creatives, it’s critical for us to be able to listen and adapt to the personality of the client.
Also vital to the process is ensuring you can adapt your ideas and approach to the needs of the project. Helping a client develop a marketing strategy for a new multi-family housing development is very different from promoting a local coffee joint. It’s essential to understand the different approach each requires and adapt the creative process to the unique needs of every project.
At the recent 99U Conference, Sanell Radia, Global CIO & Head of Business Transformation at R/GA said, “The size of the boardroom doesn’t matter. It’s the mission of the boardroom that does matter.”
Do you know the mission of your client’s?
Every creative project for any client is, at the end of the day, to help them grow their business. Put another way, the customer’s business is your business.
At WMV, we’re proud of the work we do for our clients and our position as a leader in the video production industry. But we also work hard to stand out as an organization our clients enjoy working with.
If you’re ready to experience a creative process like no other for your next video project, call us today at 615-852-5869. We know you’ll never look at a video production team the same way again.