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Over the past few years, video has seen a sharp increase on the internet, in large part to social networks. According to a recent Hubspot article, “Facebook users watch 8 billion videos per day”. With people absorbing massive amounts of video, brands, advertisers, and marketers have to figure out how to reach consumers in such a saturated environment. So, here are two simple ways to connect with your audience through video.

1. Turn Off the Sound
One critical component of reaching your target audience has to do with sound. Hop on mass transit or stroll past your co-worker’s cubicle, chances are that you’ll catch them watching the latest recipe or puppy video, but not listening to it. Hubspot notes, “85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound”. So, how do you reach consumers without sound? Captions. With options such as lower thirds, scrolling text and fully captioned conversations, you can reach your audience where they are while not having to sacrifice content and messaging.

picture of laptop with video player and target elements

2. Product Placement
A Huffington Post report says that the most popular types of videos for businesses are Explainers or Product Features, Customer Testimonials and How-Tos. Forbes also reports that, “64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it”. That same article states, “90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions”.

So, while businesses may understand that they need to incorporate video into their marketing strategy, it can be overwhelming to begin the process. Elements such as scripting, storyboarding  and clips for social media can seem out of one’s reach when trying to concept an overall message, but that’s when you call in the experts. Lucky for you, if you’re reading this: you’ve already found us.